Episode 2A: The Mysterious Planet

As the Enterprise enters orbit around Zeta Epsilon II, the bridge crew stares in wonder at the planet below. Lush green forests and vast blue oceans dominate the surface, belying the distress call's dire tone.
Spock, hunched over his scanner, reports his findings. “Captain, I am detecting a small settlement on the northern continent. Population approximately 5,000. Technology level appears to be pre-industrial.”
“Pre-industrial?” Kirk raises an eyebrow. “Then who sent the distress call?”
Uhura checks her console. “I'm no longer receiving the signal, Captain. It's as if it just… vanished.”
Kirk's instincts tell him that something isn't right. He turns to Spock. “Assemble an away team, Mr. Spock. Include Dr. McCoy and a security detail. I want to know what's going on down there.”
In the transporter room, the away team prepares to beam down. Kirk briefs them on the mission. “We're here to investigate the distress call and offer assistance if needed. But remember, the Prime Directive is in effect. We must minimize our impact on the planet's natural development.”
As the team dematerializes, Kirk can't shake the feeling that they are stepping into a mystery far deeper than they realize.
On the planet's surface, the away team finds themselves in a clearing surrounded by towering trees and exotic foliage. Strange birdcalls echo through the air, and the sweet scent of alien flowers fills their nostrils.
Spock consults his tricorder. “The settlement is approximately 1.2 kilometers to the east, Captain.”
As they trek through the dense undergrowth, McCoy grumbles about the heat and humidity. “I'm a doctor, not a jungle explorer,” he mutters, swatting at a buzzing insect.
Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes puts the team on alert. They draw their phasers, ready for any threat. But what emerges from the foliage is not a hostile alien, but a young humanoid child, no more than six years old.
The child, dressed in simple woven garments, stares at the away team with wide, curious eyes. It babbles something in an unfamiliar language, pointing excitedly at their uniforms and equipment.
Kirk kneels down, smiling gently. “Hello there,” he says, hoping his tone will convey friendly intentions.
The child giggles and darts back into the forest, beckoning for the team to follow.
Kirk stands, facing a decision. The Prime Directive forbids contact with pre-warp civilizations, but the child's appearance raises new questions. Could this innocent encounter lead them closer to the truth behind the distress call?
What should the away team do?
3A Make contact with the civilization | 3B Observe from a distanc