Episode 2B: The Abandoned Starship

The Enterprise warps away from Zeta Epsilon II, its mission to investigate the distress call unfulfilled. Kirk sits in his quarters, staring out at the stars streaking past his window. He can't shake the feeling that he's made the wrong choice, that someone out there still needs their help.
His brooding is interrupted by a chime at his door. “Come in,” he calls, straightening his uniform.
Spock enters, his face as impassive as ever. “Captain, long-range sensors have detected a Starfleet vessel approximately 2.3 light-years from our current position. It appears to be drifting.”
Kirk frowns. “Drifting? Have you identified the ship?”
“Affirmative. It is the USS Excalibur, a Constitution-class starship reported missing in this sector three months ago.”
Kirk feels a chill run down his spine. The disappearance of the Excalibur had been big news at Starfleet Command. An entire crew, vanished without a trace. Now, by chance, the Enterprise had stumbled upon the lost ship.
“Set a course for the Excalibur, Mr. Spock. I want answers.”
As the Enterprise approaches the derelict vessel, Kirk can see the scars of battle marring its once-pristine hull. Scorch marks from energy weapons crisscross the saucer section, and gaping holes expose the ship's inner decks to the vacuum of space.
“Hail them, Uhura,” Kirk orders, but he already knows what the response will be.
“No answer, Captain. The ship appears to be powered down, with minimal life support.”
Kirk makes a decision. “Assemble a boarding party, Mr. Spock. We're going over there.”
In the transporter room, Kirk briefs the away team. “Our primary objective is to gather information about what happened to the Excalibur. But be on your guard. Whatever attacked this ship may still be aboard.”
As the team materializes on the Excalibur's darkened bridge, they are greeted by an eerie sight. The crew, or what's left of them, lie slumped over their stations, their faces contorted in expressions of pain and terror.
Dr. McCoy rushes to the nearest body, his medical tricorder already scanning. “My God, Jim,” he breathes. “They're not dead. They're in some kind of stasis.”
Spock examines the ship's computer logs. “Captain, the last entry is dated three weeks ago. It mentions an encounter with an unknown alien vessel and an attempt to beam something aboard.”
Kirk feels the weight of command pressing down on him. Something terrible happened here, something that could threaten the entire Federation. But to find out what, they'll have to dig deeper into the Excalibur's secrets.
The question is, how far are they willing to go?
3B Board the ship to investigate | 3C Analyze the ship's logs remotely